CBD (cannabidiol), késako? We cook hemp, and a sweet break with a Saint-Martin biscuit factory

The Hemp Way in Alès opened its doors in August 2022, “little sister” of the eponymous shops in Nîmes and Vauvert. Angélique Viala, store manager, offers various derivatives of the plant: flowers, resin, pollen, hemp oil, CBD oil, infusions, etc. She shares these recipes with us : CBD Oil Guacamole with CBD and Rouille Graulenn with Garlic Hemp Oil.
Find the shop 130 Chemin Sous St Etienne in Alès.

A biscuit factory in the making

The story of Elodie’s Brice’cuiterie started 3 years ago, but it was officially in January 2022 that the couple launched their business; they supply the professionals, but you can find them at the Saint-Martin-de-Valgagère market on Saturdays and on their website.
Find in podcast their recipe for financiers and crunchy almonds.

CBD (cannabidiol), késako? We cook hemp, and a sweet break with a Saint-Martin biscuit factory

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