Cazaux-Savès (32)

Tiò, èm a Casaus, Casaus de Savés. Cazaux which corresponds to the French pronunciation of the name of Gascon origin Casaus. Nowadays, lo casau is the vegetable garden adjoining the house (la casa). But the name Cazaux or Casaus may initially designate an agricultural estate. In toponymy, several municipalities bear the name Cazaux. In the Gers alone, you have Cazaux d’Anglès, Cazaux-Villecomtal and therefore, Cazaux-Savès / Casaus de Savés. Savés ende destriar aquera comuna de las autas duas / here, the mention Savès makes it possible to distinguish Cazaux from the 2 other homonymous municipalities.

Mès Savés, que es aquò?

Savès is this small province in the south-east of Gers and in the south-west of Haute-Garonne. Casaus de Savés, a village of 300 inhabitants mès dambe ua populacion regde joena / Cazaux de Savès, a village of 300 inhabitants with a very young population: between 120 and 130 people are under 18 years old. Es ua paradòxa mes a Casaus de Savés coma dins de vilatjòts atau / it is a paradox but in Cazaux-Savés as in other small towns, young people are not very present in village life. I have no escòla dumpoi 2010 / the school closed in 2010.

How do you say the castle in Occitan de Gascogne?

Answer: the castèth. In Cazaux-Savès is at the foot of the D39, the castle of Caumont. Aqueth castèth estoc bastit in 1535 / built in 1535 on the remains of a fortified castle that once belonged to Gaston Fébus. The Château de Caumont has already received prestigious guests such as Henry IV / nòste Enric, or in 1989, the Queen Mother of England. Aqueste maitin, disèm adeishatz / this morning, we greet all the Cazalais and all our listeners from Gers.

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