Cazaux Olympique Football is waiting for a financial boost from the Girondins de Bordeaux

At La Teste, the Cazaux football club is waiting for a financial boost from the Girondins de Bordeaux. Due to the fire and the cancellation of the lake festivals, Cazaux Olympique could not finance its next season. Loss of earnings for the association: 50,000 euros, or half of the budget. The club called for help and this call was heard by Gérard Lopez and the Girondins de Bordeaux who promised to make a move.

On Saturday, the treasurer of Cazaux Olympique Football was invited to the official stand of Matmut Atlantique to attend the first match in Ligue 2 of the Navy and White. Alain Caubit was able to shake hands with Gérard Lopez and meet two club leaders. He was promised a check within 15 days, the amount of which was not disclosed.

Cazaux Olympique is counting on all goodwill and Alain Caubit also has other ideas to bail out the club’s coffers.

We’re going to do lotteries, parties, garage sales, but there’s no question of letting this club die

The objective of Cazaux Olympique Football is to move up to the regional level in 2023. The club have recruited for and have no intention of spoiling their transfer window.

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