It is in Cavaillon that Philip Garcia brings us back some very diverse snapshots of the city and its people. He had the chance to enter the important workshop entrusted to the association The paper giants : a huge metal and glass cathedral, very very high, former shipping warehouse at 137 avenue Gabriel Péri de Cavaillon.
– Philip Garcia
Here work men and women devoted to the tradition of the Corso, name of the parades of flowered floats, corso which will celebrate its hundred years next year. They are builders and bubblers which each year give life in a few months, to floats decorated several meters high and on which Queen of the city and princess accompanied by very proud children, will parade through the city.
– Philip Garcia
There we were several meters high to color the structures that will give life to these 9 floats on the theme of the capitals of the world. On the heights of the huge warehouse of builders and bubblers, you can admire old pieces and characters of tanks made a long time ago by the passionate volunteers of the corso de Cavaillon.
– Philip Garcia
In Vaucluse, in addition to the Corso de Cavaillon, there is the Corso de Valréas and the Corso Nautiques de l’Isle sur la Sorgue.
– William Beaulieu
The corso de Cavaillon with its parades of flowery floats will celebrate its 100th anniversary next year!