Cauet: Romantic vacation in Miami with his pretty girlfriend

Last May, it was near Le Touquet that they decided to recharge their batteries, taking advantage of the long Ascension weekend. A destination far from being anecdotal for the couple since this is where they met. Their paths had in fact crossed for the first time at a birthday to which the beautiful blonde was not invited. “I was at a friend’s who offered to take me there. I didn’t want to fit in“, she had explained to Gala.

She ended up change your mind and meet Sébastien Cauet. The latter ended up succeeding in seducing her after having suffered a few refusals. Since then, they spin the perfect love. They are a wonderful blended family. with their 4 respective children: Sacha and Victoire, fruits of Nathalie’s former loves, as well as Valmont and Ivana, born of the host’s former union with a certain Virginie, with whom he remained for nearly twenty years before finally separate from it and then start divorce proceedings in 2019. A step of which he does not have a good memory at all.

In an interview with Entertainment TVhe had described the court as “worst place on earth“: “I found that there was a misery, an anguish to see all these couples who no longer speak to each other, two meters from each other, to see this trade in the sadness of lawyers, who do not care completely about their clients. You go before a judge, who doesn’t care about you, who has ten cases before and thirty behind, who doesn’t even have compassion. I found – maybe because I’m hypersensitive – that this place was awful“, he had declared.

But it is only a distant memory now for the native of Saint-Quentin, since he is today very fulfilled in the arms of his darling Nathalie.

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