Cauet: accused of rape!

He sat down next to me, he removed the button of his pants and lowered them slightly a few inches while taking out his cock. […] I felt at an impasse.” These words reported in The Obs, would be those of Julie within the framework of the rape complaint

that she filed on November 18 against Sébastien Cauet

. They are all the more terrible since this young medical secretary, now 25 years old, was, she says, only 16 at the time of the alleged events.

According to him, the star host of NRJ
would have forced her to perform oral sex again in 2022. The young woman first spoke on screenshots of sexual WhatsApp messages that the artist allegedly exchanged with her when she was still a minor, then publishing them herself. These accusations

had a snowball effect and several other young women in turn denounced inappropriate behavior what the fifty-year-old would have had towards them.

The Obs cites in particular Mathilde, a fan of Cauet, who in 1998 when she was only 18 years old, affirmed that the host allegedly asked him for oral sex in a parking lot. At the time, she would not have told anyone about it but, with the launch of the Balance ton porc phenomenon in 2017, she would have sought to denounce Cauet, in vain, she says. Even one of his tweets launched in 2022 against him will have no echo.

Contacted by The Obs, Angélique Payet, the presenter’s right-hand woman and who was general secretary of Be Aware, her production company, for several years, claims to have seen nothing. “I had a closed office, she says. He’s not a bad guy, he’s just someone without a filter.” The fact remains that according to several ex-members of Be Aware, still according L’Obs: “We knew we shouldn’t hang around the premises after 8 p.m..”

Contacted by us, one of Cauet’s former collaborators said she neither witnessed nor had knowledge of any wrongdoing on his part, but did not fail to emphasize his taste for flirting. “He made advances towards everyone, including in writing,” she tells us. For his part, the host initially filed a complaint for moral harassment committed through the use of an online public communication service. A complaint that he had accompanied by a message on X in which he said to himself deeply shocked by these accusationsdenouncing completely false allegations”.

As soon as the latest serious accusation was known, his lawyer published a press release indicating Cauet’s intention to file a complaint for slanderous denunciation

specifying that his client would bring “in all serenity the elements likely to demonstrate the inanity of the accusations brought against him”.

Louise Monteil

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