Cats on Trees

Every evening from Monday to Friday at 7 p.m., Emilie Mazoyer offers us a summary of musical news. Tonight, Cats on Trees, currently on tour for their 3rd album, Aliyfrom which the latest single is taken Please please please.

Cats on Trees, a duo in great shape at the France Bleu Live festival in La Ciotat

The Cats on Trees duo, formed by Nina Goern and Yohan Hennequin, are touring all over France for their third album Aliy published in January 2022.

Artistic accomplices for 18 years, the thirties have taken the time to refine their texts around transmission, lack and vagueness, carried by melodies with happy evolutions. Evidenced by their latest single, Please please please that they come to present.

Cats on Trees is on the program of France Bleu Live which is held in La Ciotat from September 8 to 10, 2022.

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Decibels, the chronicle

Too busy choosing an activity for your weekends between the gym (which you pay for 1 year in advance and you leave in 15 days) or the game console (at least you won’t forget the way), you have a little neglected the musical news? No worries, Émilie Mazoyer tells you everything!

Today, the France Bleu Live festival in La Ciotat and the second career of rapper Fianso

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