Cathy (Love is in the meadow): Her house hit by a disaster, the damage in pictures

Cathy Heraud quickly became disillusioned on Thursday, December 30, 2021. While she had just returned from a short stay in the mountains where she was able to relax before the end of the year, the former candidate for season 15 of Love is in the meadow (2020) was unhappy to find that his farm had been damaged. Indeed, disturbances in New Aquitaine, where she lives, brought strong winds. On social networks, Cathy unveiled images of the roof of his damaged garage by fallen trees.

After three days of absence, return to the reality of life … The damage of a gust of wind. Back from three days off … and we end up with three trees in the garage“, she commented on her photos. And Cathy had to sort out this problem herself. In one of the photos, she appears notably on her roof, getting rid of pieces of wood. Later, she used a machine to finish the job. A feat that greatly impressed Internet users. “What womanSome wrote. Note that the hyperactive 42-year-old winegrower is not the only one to suffer the consequences of bad weather conditions. In her region, other candidates of Love is in the meadow have also encountered some problems on their operation recently, namely Lola and Florian. Floods have indeed disrupted their daily lives.

Last I heard, Cathy is still a heart to take. In the romantic program of M6, she had not succeeded in finding the shoe to her feet despite a timid rapprochement with her suitor François. But very quickly, she realized that they did not have the same way of life at all. Cathy even thought that the wine merchant might have lied in his mail. “In terms of the way of life, I think we are very different. It will not be able to stick between us. I find that very unfortunate. The biggest question is, were you honest when you wrote the letter? There are things written down that are not true. It really hurt me“, she had declared to him. Later, it was thus alone that she ended the adventure.

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