Catherine Petitjean gingerbread manufacturer in Dijon in Côte d’Or

To make gingerbread, you need quality honey and pure flour. The Moulins Nicot in Saône-et-Loire have been supplying the “Mulot et Petitjean” company with the base for its nonettes and gingerbreads for more than 15 years. A valuable partnership for its director Catherine Petitjean.

Gingerbread in all its forms

My extra thing, don’t throw away the gingerbread when it’s dry, it turns into breadcrumbs. You can make breaded chicken strips in it. You can put it on fish, on apple, apricot or mirabelle plum pies, it gives a nice little taste. It is a product that is never wasted. Even a nugget! Put it in the oven – even if there is jam inside, put a little strong cheese in it, with a salad it’s delicious!

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