Catherine Dorion, a critical mind

Catherine Dorion is retiring from politics in the next provincial election this fall! She is my MP, a good representative of the citizens. I pay tribute to his critical and rebellious spirit. She felt cramped in Parliament, with its strict rules and procedural decorum.

Catherine Dorion does not like political shackles, the party line suffocates her and prevents her from expressing her opinions freely. She will regain after the election her full freedom to think and act for the social causes that inspire her, with her personal touch of artistic inspiration. Pity ! I would have voted for her (and not for QS) in the next elections, precisely because she is “rebellious”, but also critical. The “political mould” does not suit everyone, and Catherine Dorion is a good example!

Catherine, thank you for your authenticity and your contribution to the debates, even if I did not always share your party’s political positions. I recognize in my MP an idealist who is not afraid to give her point of view, a rare attitude, in a world where critical thinking is perceived negatively because it upsets our established certainties and the sacrosanct “benevolence” that has become the key word in this time of pandemic. Good continuity, Catherine, and preserve a little of your idealism!

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