Catherine Davydzenka (Here it all begins) “emaciated and dug”: the actress relieved of several kilos!

In Here it all starts, very serious and topical subjects are regularly covered. The new plot of TF1 fiction which has just begun is carried by Catherine Davydzenka (who plays the character of Hortense). The latter has to face a delicate problem: bulimia.

It is a disease from which she has suffered since adolescence. It had calmed down but it has come back in the last year and she is obviously finding it more and more difficult to manage it since if this disease is not taken seriously and in time, one develops physical problems. , mood swings, etc. The more she sinks into her unhappiness, the more the crises will come together and intensify. So it will show. Hortense is more hollow, tired and loses weight. She will deteriorate a little bit over time, both physically and morally.“, says the pretty 24-year-old Belarusian blonde in an interview for Star TV.

To get as close to reality as possible, Catherine Davydzenka has done a real thorough job. And for good reason, she has relatives who have been victims of bulimia in her entourage. “I did a lot of research and unfortunately, around me, it’s a subject that concerns me. Two or three close people – and that’s already too many – suffered from bulimia until hospitalization. It is a very complex disease with several sections including the one I chose to make visible on the screen: the fact of eating a lot, making oneself vomit and therefore losing weight due to low reserves. I prepared myself with personal memoriesexamples, research, I documented myself and I spoke to a doctor“, she assures our colleagues.

I did it on my own initiative

At the same time, the ex-model revealed to have lost “six or seven kilos”. A loss of weight necessary in her eyes, she who was careful not to glamorize the disease. “I did it on my own initiative, being framed. It was one of the things I cared about the most. It was very important to me not to make bulimia pretty or sexy.. I didn’t want it to be a well-haired, well-made-up and thin chick at that point in the ark, but for the disease to show. May she be emaciated and dug“, said Catherine Davydzenka.

Let her fans be reassured, the young woman apparently had no trouble finding her figure once the filming of this plot was completed. “Don’t worry, in the meantime, all my lost pounds have come back to me in a healthy way“, she promised in story Instagram.

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