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To compensate for the lack of manpower, should we call on the robot? This is the solution currently being tested by a restaurant near Niort, in Deux-Sèvres, where a machine can serve and clear the tables.
To 12:30’s the shot in a restaurant located in Chauray (Two Sevres). The servers activate with the help of a colleague: a robot. He moves between the tables under the astonished gaze of the customers. “We were surprised at first, surprised to see this in a small restaurant“, admits a client. “It’s good, if it can relieve the waiters, I don’t mind“says another customer. The robot brings the full plates back to the dining room and the empty ones to the dishwasher.
Laurence, a waitress in the restaurant for five years, is skeptical. “The large tables behind, for us it will be faster to bring back all the plates“, she thinks. Imported from China where it is very popular, the robot was configured with precise mapping of the restaurant to find its way around. It cost 12,000 euros. “The robot will do the unpleasant tasks and the tedious tasks, but it will not replace the server“, says Jean-Michel Crine, director of the Simbee company. For the managers, the robot serves above all to make up for the lack of manpower. They want to keep a certain conviviality between customers and servers.