“Catch-all” party, “demagoguery”… The parliamentary niche of the National Rally is (already) tensing up certain majority deputies

Despite texts with consensual overtones, sometimes echoing the spirit of proposals from other groups, the RN is moving forward without much hope of seeing its texts adopted… But Marine Le Pen’s party makes the majority uncomfortable.

There “dike“will she give in? The National Rally opens the parliamentary niche season on Thursday October 12. Despite texts with consensual overtones, sometimes taking up in the spirit of proposals from other groups, such as on support for women with endometriosis, the reduction in the French electricity bill or even immigration, the RN could, like last year, come to nothing… But with the objective of scoring points in public opinion.

>> Follow the debates in the National Assembly around the parliamentary niche of the National Rally

Marine Le Pen’s party has, in fact, until midnight to vote on a whole series of legislative proposals. And as if to take its adversaries at their own game, the National Rally is proposing almost politically correct texts to embarrass Emmanuel Macron’s troops, where a slight wind of panic has been blowing in recent days. Faced with this series of almost consensual texts carried by the far-right party, Senator François Patriat believes that there is necessarily a trap. “It is the ‘catch all’ party, but which nevertheless remains fundamentally racist, xenophobic and which tries to conceal its real nature in the face of elements of legal texts. The problem does not arise whether to vote for this text or not“, he finally decides.

But, in reality, the problem arose, but the Renaissance deputies decided – by show of hands – in a group meeting to vote against. According to Minister Clément Beaune, the “sanitary cord” is necessary : “If we had followed this path, we would have done Frexit, we would have been vaccinated with Sputnik, we would have left the euro and the far right, that’s it: demagoguery and, in the end, disaster. You always have to tell the French“, he pleads. Not sure that this is enough, warns MP David Amiel: “I do not believe that the falling unemployment rate alone will be enough to push back the National Rally. It’s really a very loose program to address the working and middle classes.”according to the Parisian elected official.

Talking to the working classes, demonizing or flushing out: asking the question is already a sign. The doubt is, it seems, not resolved on the best strategy to adopt for the presidential majority in the Assembly.

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