“Catastrophic!”, Michel Cymes speaks about the long illness of Florent Pagny and makes a terrible observation!

He is better, but the sword of Damocles still hangs over his head. Eyebrows and beard found, Florent Pagny has nothing to do with his last appearance in “The Voice” in 2022. A time during which the 61-year-old artist surprised everyone when he appeared totally bald, and without eyebrows, on his coach’s chair. Chemotherapy having got the better of her hair and other hairiness… But for some time, the interpreter of “My freedom of thought” regains the hair of the beast and appears in great shape. For his greatest happiness, that of his community, but also Michel Cymes.

Indeed, the most famous of French doctors was invited on the set of BFM-TV this Monday, March 6 to discuss Florent Pagny’s cancer and this disease in general. A disease that we demonize too much for our taste. For him, it’s a very good thing that the coach of “The Voice“, like Bernard Tapie and Jean-Pierre Pernaut before him, was able to talk about his illness without any shame.

See also: Did Florent Pagny relapse? The singer would be in Paris again for a new treatment

Michel Cymes would like the case of Florent Pagny to move things forward

Because today, “there are the media and all the news channels, the networks, which make it difficult to keep a disease secret…” It is also for this reason, according to him, that it is better to take the lead when you are a personality, and announce the terrible news. Michel Cymes then mentioned his personal case: “We have the right not to want to talk about it. Sorry to talk about me, but I said recently that I had had kidney cancer and I talked about it because I wanted to help”.

Help because Adriana Karembeu’s sidekick has made a terrible observation over the years. Indeed, he has “given that the polls on cancer screening were catastrophic” in our country when we can “save lives by getting tested”. This is why, having stars as well known as Florent Pagny, broaching a subject once considered “ashamed”, gets things done. And above all, to prove to sick people that they can talk about it and that cancer screening must become something that is part of our morals. And this to prevent before curing.


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