Catalonia reinstates curfew and gauges in restaurants

Overwhelmed by covid“in the words of the government, Catalonia is introducing a series of measures to try to curb the spread of the coronavirus. curfew will be imposed again between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m., as soon as the incidence rate rises above 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. According to projections by epidemiologists, this rate should be reached on Friday. the Christmas Eve should therefore take place under curfew.

The government also decrees the return of gauges. Restaurants and bars will have to limit their reception capacity by 50%, shops, sports halls and cultural places by 30%. Gatherings, both indoors and outdoors, are limited to 10 people. The discos will again lower their gates. And companies are called upon to generalize teleworking. These measures should enter into force from Thursday evening midnight, but must first be validated by the higher court of Catalonia.

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