Catalan hoteliers face many holiday cancellations

Will fuel shortages spoil the All Saints holidays for tourism professionals? In any case, this is the fear of several hoteliers in Canet Plage. The last days, cancellations follow one anotheras observed by Stanislas de Narkevitch, co-manager of the Best Western hotel: “We are receiving more and more calls from customers who are canceling for fear of running out of gas.”

And a few hundred meters further, the hotel Le Galion makes the same bitter observation: “The schedule for the next few weeks is very calm, it is 70% emptier than last year at the same time” laments the patroness of the establishment “a few days before the Toussaint holidays, that is not at all normal”.

“The fuel shortage is dramatic for hoteliers”

Right now they have a few rooms occupied, but almost all are professionally occupied. “The leisure clientele is terribly lacking, we really see that the gasoline shortage is dramatic for our sector of activity.” Because even if room rates are halved on the dates of the All Saints holidays, they are still important for hoteliers, because all areas have them at the same time and “because it’s the last straight line before winter, which is a calmer period.

Faced with the lack of tourists, the managers of the Le Galion hotel have even thought of closing as of now, because of the wage bill which risks being too high in relation to the level of activity which is announced. If they are betting on staying open, it’s becausethey rely on last minute bookings.

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