Castex and Véran, the “Maïté and Micheline” of the Covid

Olivier Véran and Jean Castex held a press conference last night. Like last week and the week before and the week before too, we had not seen such a funny duo every week on TV since Maïté and Micheline in La Cuisine des Mousquetaires.

Hello Jean. What did you cook up for us today?

Today, I decided to ban the consumption of sandwiches on TGVs.

Oh what a shame ! I liked slamming a hundred balls for two odds and ends. And if not, what?

Well, I transform the health pass into a vaccination pass.

We are not immune to making a good show

Find your daily dose of good humor with Willy Rovelli and his tribe in “We are not immune to making a good show“, every day from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. on France Bleu.

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