Casino: two children whose parents are employees of the brand write a letter to Emmanuel Macron



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Casino: two children whose parents are employees of the brand write a letter to Emmanuel Macron

Casino: two children whose parents are employees of the brand write a letter to Emmanuel Macron – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – C.Barbier

France Televisions

Two children whose parents are employees at Casino wrote a letter to Emmanuel Macron asking him to “save” the company where their parents work. A letter which follows the announcement at the beginning of December of the purchase of 300 Casino stores by Intermarché and Auchan.

Two eight-year-old children whose parents are employees at Casino wrote a letter to Emmanuel Macron. They question the head of state there. “Dear President of the Republic, we need your help to save the company where our parents work. (…) If the Casino company closes, what will happen to them?”they write.

“Don’t abandon us”

Since the announcement at the beginning of December of the purchase of 313 Casino stores, relatives and employees of the Saint-Etienne group have been worried. For their part, the buyers Intermarché and Auchan have made commitments regarding the preservation of jobs. A promise that does not reassure the two children. They ask Emmanuel Macron to get personally involved. “Please talk to important people, explain to them how important Casino is to us. (…) Don’t abandon us”, we read in their letter. According to the Renaissance deputy of the Loire Quentin Bataillon, the President of the Republic was able to consult the mail, and the approach touched him.

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