Casino de Montreal: all croupiers back to work

An agreement was reached on Wednesday evening between the Syndicat des croupiers et croupières du Casino de Montréal and the management of the casino, signing the return to work of all croupiers as of March 28.

“In concrete terms, this means that all the croupiers and croupiers who had been laid off will be recalled. […]. They will be assigned on a transitional schedule until all the game tables are back in operation. The development should be completed in early June. Thereafter, we will return to more stable hours, ”explained Thursday in a press release Jean-Pierre Proulx, union representative for the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE).

“We are delighted to find this internationally renowned institution and we hope for a prosperous revival for this state-owned company,” added the union adviser.

The croupiers had met at the beginning of the week in a special assembly to establish possible means of pressure in order to force management to reinstate the employees who had been dismissed.

These casino employees have also been without an employment contract since March 31, 2020.

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