Cash, Laurence Boccolini settles accounts!

A succession that took place not without difficulty. On August 9, 2021, Laurence Boccolini succeeded Nagui at the presentation of the midday game of France 2, “Everyone wants to take their place”. This decision has been carefully considered. It’s been almost three years that I mentioned the need to refresh the game, if only to renew myself. I felt a disconnect between the show and me.”, Nagui had for his part explained himself concerning this departure.

If Nagui had been rather elegant in the media concerning his successor, the former host of “Weak link” struggled to convince viewers, the audiences being a little dull during the first issues. In an interview granted to the Parisian, Willow’s mother returned bluntly to this laborious start, which can be explained by several reasons according to her. “The beginnings were very hard to live with because nobody was really tender with me, nor with the show. It was very violent. The first week was not over and some were already saying that they were going to replace me!“, she lamented.

Cash, the 59-year-old host also pointed to the sexism of which she would have been the victim. “The attacks are much more direct and frank. I noticed this when I started. Everyone wants to take their place. What was said about me and about me, we would never have done with a man. Several animators pointed it out to me”, she pointed out. Finally, Laurence Boccoloni believes that she has won her bet despite the obstacles: “Each time, I am given the loser. And I take up the challenge in the end”, she concluded.

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