Cash hidden in his home | Preliminary report clears South African president

(Johannesburg) South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, mired for months in a scandal linked to the discovery of money in his sofa, is cleared by a preliminary report from the anti-corruption watchdog that leaked to the press on Saturday.

President Ramaphosa’s spokesman, Vincent Magwenya, confirmed on Saturday that the president had received the report, but did not comment on its content. “We take note of the report. As previously stated, we reiterate that the President has not participated in any wrongdoing,” he said in a statement.

Mr Ramaphosa, 70, who made his fortune in business before rising to the top job, is accused of concealing from the police and the tax authorities a burglary at his property in Phala Phala, where he raises rare cattle .

In February 2020, intruders walked away with US$580,000 unearthed under the cushions of a couch. The fruit of the sale of twenty buffaloes, according to the president.

The report, while exonerating the president, points out that the head of the Presidential Protection Unit, to whom Mr Ramaphosa reported the theft, acted improperly, investigating the matter directly instead of reporting it to the police, according to extracts published by several media.

While this report is good news for the South African president, a police investigation is still ongoing.

Sudanese businessman Hazim Mustafa, who said he was the buyer of the buffaloes in question, allegedly did not declare the large sum of cash to customs, as required by law, upon his arrival in South Africa. South.

This scandal, which broke out in June, tarnishes the image of the president who had promised to eradicate corruption when he came to power. And who risks continuing to embarrass him if he seeks a second term next year.

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