Casey Affleck relocated at 43: his new partner is a hot actress … 23 years old!

23 years separate them and they openly have fun! On November 25, 2021, Casey Affleck took to her Instagram account to formalize her new romance with a young American actress, a certain Caylee cowan. Two days earlier, photos published by Page Six showing the couple exchanging hugs and kisses in Los Angeles left little room for doubt …

On the social network, the 43-year-old actor posted several photos of him and his girlfriend, taken during their recent trip to the Red Cross. In a generous Thanksgiving mood, the couple donated blood before encouraging their Instagram followers to do the same: “@cayleecowan showed up. She’s MY love, and she ALWAYS shows up when it counts … However, Caylee isn’t usually excited about needles, blood, etc. Once on the table with her sleeve rolled up, she was heard quietly asking a member of staff, ‘Is there a chance that I will die?’ The answer was of course no. Donating is not only safe, but also painless and fast“, in particular detailed the little brother of Ben Affleck.

Sunday, still on Instagram, the two actors made a new appearance for a story. A short video in which they appear head to head, having fun at “calculate (their) age difference“with an animated filter. In the process, the duo arrived in Budapest, perhaps for a first romantic weekend in Europe?

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