Case of the Pogba brothers: new sensational statement, a really possible appeasement?

Every day brings its share of new information in the case involving Paul Pogba and his older brother, Mathias. Since the end of August, the family of the Juventus footballer from Turin has been going through a very delicate period. Also a professional footballer, Mathias Pogba posted a video on social networks that made a lot of noise. He announces that he will soon make important revelations about his brother, causing a real media bomb. Since then, the star of the France team has told investigators that he is the victim in this case and an investigation has also been opened for “extortion in an organized gang and attempt” by French justice.

Investigators who have already been at work for several weeks and we learned in particular that Paul Pogba’s mother was questioned, defending her youngest son. A particularly complicated family situation and the craziest speculations continue to circulate on this affair. Rumors indicate in particular that Mathias Pogba is among those trying to extort the football star, while journalist Gilles Verdez thinks he was “under the influence”, even “forced” to make his videos on social networks . A few minutes ago, the latter’s lawyer insisted on reacting in the face of his accusations and he was very clear.

Mathias Pogba wants to forcefully indicate that he is totally foreign to any extortion maneuver

In his press release, Me Richard Arbib insisted on refuting any “extortion maneuver” on the part of his client, assuring that the problem comes from elsewhere. “Mathias Pogba would like to point out forcefully that he is totally foreign to any extortion maneuver against his brother, Paul Pogba. It is clear that the difficulties experienced by the Pogba family are the result of external threats of which Justice, now seized, will take the full measure”indicates the lawyer, before concluding: “Mathias Pogba, who aspires more than anything to calm the situation with his brotherwill henceforth reserve his word to the investigating judges in charge of this case, if necessary”.

Categorically refuting all the accusations against him, Mathias Pogba is also trying to take a step towards his little brother, whose response is now awaited.

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