Case of ill-gotten gains: former Miss France Sonia Rolland indicted


Article written by

T.Cuny, S.Soula, A.Gaucher, M.Lecointre, P.Caron, S.Agrabi, N.Jauson – France 3

France Televisions

Former Miss France Sonia Rolland has been indicted in the case of ill-gotten gains. He is blamed for accepting an apartment offered to him in 2003 by the wife of former Gabonese President Omar Bongo. Fraudulently financed property.

Former Miss France Sonia Rolland is in the sights of justice. She was indicted on Wednesday, June 1, for concealment of embezzlement of public funds, corruption and abuse of corporate assets. In question : a gift that the model of Rwandan origin received in 2003 from the wife of former Gabonese president Omar Bongo. This gift was an apartment in the 16ᵉ arrondissement of Paris, worth more than 600,000 euros.

The problem is that this accommodation, like other properties of the Bongo family, would have been financed by Gabonese public funds. This is the so-called “ill-gotten gains” affair. For the NGO Transparency France, at the origin of the file, Sonia Rolland should have refused this gift. “If you accept a gift when you have reason to suspect that the financing of this gift is not of entirely orthodox origin, you must refuse the gift. Otherwise, you are prosecuted for concealment”explains Me William Bourdon, lawyer for the NGO. Heard by the investigators, Sonia Rolland says she ignores this fraudulent origin of the financing.

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