Already far behind in the opinion polls, the conservatives have completely missed their first week of campaign and the Prime Minister seems more and more isolated.
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The British Parliament is officially dissolved on Thursday May 30. After months of suspense, the date of July 4 was finally chosen for these elections which will make it possible to choose the new deputies. All polls indicate a change in majority and predict a landslide victory for Labor.
Already 78 Conservative MPs have announced that they will not participate in this election. Among these defections which have cascaded in recent days, one of them was particularly noted: that of Lucy Allan who immediately gave her support to the candidate of Reform, the far-right party, reinforcing the impression of a camp in full debacle.
An impression reinforced when Rishi Sunak reveals his first major proposal: a national service, civil or military, for young Britons. Even within its own ranks, this idea is crushed.
Zac Goldsmith attacks the leader of his party head-on. This former minister, member of the House of Lords, judges him responsible for “almost irreparable damage” to the conservative movement. He predicts a heavy defeat and an exile for Sunak in California where he regularly vacations in a luxurious apartment he owns. And here is the Prime Minister in the middle of the campaign, forced to deny: “It’s just not truehe assures. This is my home. My football team has just been promoted. I hope to see her in the coming years in the Premier League.”
The current Prime Minister will not be able to count on the support of his predecessors either. He will not miss that of Liz Truss: he regularly crushes it in his speeches. Theresa May is one of the MPs who are handing over and Boris Johnson has already made it known that he will be abroad during the campaign.