Carte blanche to Natasha Kanapé Fontaine | Winter solstice

With their unique pen and their own sensitivity, four artists take turns presenting their vision of the world around us. This week, we are giving carte blanche to Natasha Kanapé Fontaine.

Posted on January 9

Natasha Kanapé Fontaine

Natasha Kanapé Fontaine
Writer and poet

I run and the mist envelops me

every more step I make with my hands

I owe it to myself

it’s me


I go straight ahead without noticing anything of my movement

all that reassures me

in my certainty

it is the air that shapes the vapor around me

and the waters


to hear me better

I turn around


there is only the cosmos which speaks to me of adventure

where are we

now when we scrapped our joy

when we decided not to smile anymore

open up

when we denied the vitality of our hearts

where am I

if i’m not the one i love anymore

for what i am


I am the addition of fallen trees and forbidden roads

the thud of closed doors

and yet

I went out the window at night

and I ate the darkness

I stuck it in my palms

here is

my hands

in my body then

I rebuild the sinew lines

and the curves of nothingness of wood

infinity shortbread

in the desert that I clear

I said

I spoke other languages

but my memory fell in the river

and ran aground somewhere

a part

a place

that I can’t see very well on google maps

that every time I try to reach

swimming for days at full speed

I fall asleep

so i never see the shore

that I reach


And for that

I walk on the oceans

to stop drowning me

in fear

light years

it’s me


I tied on my racket

an asteroid

I came back from darkness

as we kiss the moon

where Tshakapesh is hiding

I sought

the crater where he sleeps

and I never caught my breath

for the moment

I celebrate every second more that lets the light through

day after day

and when the solstice comes

my people

that I carry in me

will be crowned with the sun.

source site-56