Carte blanche to Mariana Mazza | Your reactions to “Give me back my dose”

Readers liked this first Carte blanche to Mariana Mazza, “Give me back my dose”*, published in the Context section of January 30. Here is an overview of the emails received.

Posted at 11:00 a.m.

The desire to know you

This text is my first contact with your artistic energy. It touched me a lot: deep, bare, human. I suddenly want to get to know you better. The rooms are still closed, alas, but your words have taken another path. Oh how I would like to read them again, repeatedly if possible, with gusto. Thank you.

Ghylaine Dube

beautiful feather

I don’t like Mariana Mazza’s humor, but what a beautiful pen. What sensitivity in his gaze and in his words on life. I think she deserves to be known.

Ghislaine Boisvert, Blainville


This text by Mazza is magnificent in its authenticity and its call for human solidarity which, without a doubt, is the antidote to the ambient gloom. We need more than one dose and thanks to Mme Mazza for this one!

Andree Bastien

You surpass yourself

Hello Mariana. Hold on, it took me a while to get used to you, but with this letter you’ve surpassed yourself. I’ll go applaud you as soon as we can. We wish each other a good end to the pandemic.

Pierrette Houde

Our allies

Bravo for this short text which says a lot about our situation. I retain this beautiful message: we have each other. If we could all understand that solidarity and kindness are our allies!

Francine Dion, Orleans, Ontario

She knocked me down

I’m not a huge fan of Mariana, but this morning she knocked me down… What beautiful, unique writing. In a few words on a few sentences, it goes through all the evils that we live. Thank you.

Yves Marceau

I drank every word

Fantastic, I drank every word, comforting and distressing what we have all just experienced. Bravo, Mariana, your pen is a treasure, thank you. I believe we will be stronger after this, it’s coming. We need you, our artists, essential.

Mireille Jodoin

under the shell

Very nice text. Touching, sincere, authentic. Beneath your caustic verve, there is a great hypersensitivity that needs love. Under your tough shell, there is a lot of refinement and tenderness. Yes, there will be better days and you have your life ahead of you! Well done Mariana!

Monique Lafontaine, Sherbrooke

An emancipated being

It feels good to read the words of an emancipated, even enlightened and somewhat calmer being, in the face of this terrible pandemic… The new hairstyle, the new clothes, everything reflects a little more happiness… Maybe that’s the light at the end of the tunnel.

Jean Marie Guimond

Free doses

There are plenty of free doses: the sun, laughter, friends on FaceTime, old movies we liked, songs we liked, an animal to walk while admiring the landscape without rushing, slides, walking, the wooded areas to know, the ski to tame, and, at the end, the internet to choose the next destination! A little pep, Mariana!

Lorraine Bertrand, 74 years old

carry on and live again

wow! What a beautiful text, what true truth. I have been a new retiree for two years. For two years, I have been fighting against a second cancer. For two years, I have had to isolate myself to protect myself. So I see myself in Mariana’s text… It’s me sitting in front of the unknown that slows me down a little more each day. Seeking to move forward and powerless. This text reminds me that I am not alone, that we must continue and relive again and again. Thank you Mariana.

Sylvie Ouimet

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