Carte blanche to Dany Turcotte | Virtual Tavern

With their unique pen and their own sensitivity, artists present to us, in turn, their vision of the world around us. This week, we are giving carte blanche to Dany Turcotte.

Posted on March 13

DANY Turcotte

On February 16, 2021, I left Everybody talks about it, with uproar, accompanied by a general gagging of hateful comments on social media. Immediately, I was perceived as a poor victim of the meanness now normalized on the internet. A tsunami of love followed. I received, in a few days, 100,000 messages. My mailboxes were overflowing.

After receiving the pot and the manure to grow them, the flowers arrived! I was literally rolling in love, like a capelin in the moonlight! People who never speak out on social networks had decided to make me feel their presence. The silent majority stood up for me.

In the street, people looked at me with pity, their faces grimacing with compassion. I was asked 25 to 30 times a day: “Are you well, Dany? I really thank those people who genuinely cared about me!

Today, I can say that yes, I am much better! I remember at the beginning of Everybody talks about it, there were no social networks, a simple email box received comments. Our producer, Guillaume L’espérance, had even taken Guy and me away from it, because he found that we spent too much time on it and that it distracted us. Two years later, Twitter arrived! Not only could people write to us, but every Sunday they were with us in our living room…hello concentration!

The reactions to Everybody talks about it have always been very lively. Every year, I survived two or three storms of social networks: political supporters “cracked” against a card given to their leader, a behavioral lapse towards an actress entrepreneur specializing in jewelry, whose name I will not mention, or, bloodthirsty vegans offended by a vegan roast pork and wine prank!

My wasp role revolving around the pot of honey disturbed and it was perfect as well! I had grown accustomed to these seasonal upheavals. I was on the show Everybody talks about it, Someone had to talk about it somewhere!

But I admit that last year, in the midst of a pandemic, live, without an audience with six heavy subjects, and this, at the very moment when the whole Earth was plunged into a vast crisis of anxiety, each attempt at humor had the effect of a fingernail rubbing on a painting. the timing was therefore perfect to make the jester’s head roll. In 30 minutes, my letter of resignation was written, the fruit of my exasperation was so ripe that we had even found a little rot near the pit!

Today, time has worked, I put into perspective this “hate” received through our young social networks (Facebook is 18 years old). These came into our lives as violently as a truck in Ottawa! With their arrival, the horns of public opinion were on. Everyone now has access to everyone, it is obvious that learning “how to behave online” will be a long and extremely rough river.

Before the advent of these platforms, everyone frequented their own small personal tavern. We had no idea what we were saying there, it was still opinions expressed discreetly at the urinal while belching our sixth Molson Ex. Today, we all frequent the same virtual tavern.

We would never have thought that the democratization of public opinion would revolutionize our lives to the point where we would come to be able to challenge the Prime Minister directly to treat him as a “wasted wafer” and that not only would this be legal, but also strongly encouraged!

All the radios, all the TVs and all the newspapers implore people to speak out on Twitter and on Facebook. Our societies have themselves created this pandemic of opinions. The stands are full of managers, Facebook statuses and tweets are exploding in this race to see who will get the most feedback on his reaction. We like them likes.

Our iPhones have replaced cigarettes. They fill the dead time of our lives. When are the patches to detox from these time-consuming devices? Our poor fingers that swipe frantically on the phone until it forms a horn! Leaving the “cursed machine” in the elevator out of discomfort to be sure not to have to talk to others. Walking down the street, thing in hand, for fear of missing the latest Instagram video of the two-legged dog with a wheelchair.

I quickly wish us areas without WiFi, just as there are non-smoking places. Areas where we could just talk to each other. The return of the church steps in face-to-face!

Imagine, the smart phone is not yet 20 years old. How much will our “screen time” be in 20 years? What were we doing before our days? We were smoking cigarettes, I imagine!

On these words, have a nice day. I’m working on beautiful projects, which will see the light of day soon, I hope. In the meantime, follow me on my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn pages, and above all, don’t hesitate to write to me, I want to know your opinion! I like everyone, even those who don’t like me. No time to ruminate, our lives are too short!

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