Carte blanche to Claudie Mercier | Reality TV in Quebec

With their unique pen and their own sensitivity, artists or personalities present to us their vision of the world. This week, we give carte blanche to Claudie Mercier.

I admire people who have the courage to expose their flaws on TV. I think there is nothing more beautiful than the vulnerability of a candidate on screen. That’s why we get so attached… and why we sometimes lose all sense of proportion. It can quickly become a toxic relationship.

Well, we agree that it’s great fun to judge the candidates of a reality show in our living room. It’s human. But there is a whole difference between judging in your living room and making denigrating comments on social networks!

Let’s take the most recent season ofDouble occupation, in Andalusia. Last year, Internet users found that the season was too intense, that we needed to go back to the source with a calmer reality show, more focused on love.

The production listened to Internet users. This year, the twists and turns were rarer and we saw an OD that was reminiscent of the first seasons, notably with a lot of use of the bottle (perhaps a little too much, I grant you).

I really loved this season filled with kindness and love. It did me good, like a breath of fresh air. Internet users, on the other hand, were not satisfied. They wanted more punch. This had an impact on the audience ratings, which were lower than in previous years.

It’s a shame to see that scandal sells more than kindness.

I did Double occupancy South Africa in 2019 and it changed my life for the better. It’s certainly the most human experience I’ve had, even if you imagine that everything is scripted. Of course, the twists and turns are scripted, but our emotions and our connections as candidates are very real.

We often judge candidates who cry too often on TV or who have super intense reactions, but let’s not forget that their days are made up of surprises, eliminations, parties, fatigue, overanalysis… all that without it is possible for them to find their bearings with their family and friends. All you have to do in OD is think and enjoy. But it’s so easy to get caught up in an endless whirlwind. I made it myself.

I love seeing how reality TV is a reflection of our society.

The truth is that our society is filled with beautiful and less beautiful people. It can shock people to see such a diversity of personalities, who sometimes have values ​​different from their own.

And I find us too harsh with candidates: we don’t give them the freedom to make mistakes. We cry foul at the slightest opportunity. Of course, I hear you say: “Claudie, these people decided to go on TV, we have the right to say what we want. »

I have heard this phrase dozens of times. Yes, exposing yourself on TV generates all kinds of reactions, but no one deserves, regardless of their status, to be disrespected.

It’s like saying to a teacher: “You knew that by doing this job you were going to eat shit from your students’ parents, so take responsibility. »

Respect should be a given in life. Why would one person on TV deserve to be ridiculed more than others? I never understood that argument. What world do we live in to think that people deserve to be insulted because they are reality TV contestants?

It’s amazing how much negative reaction reality TV gets, especially when you know that the experience brings so much to the contestants who take part in the game. Think about it: when have you had the chance to see your own flaws? on the screen ? The candidates look at each other at the end of their time on TV and I can say beyond any doubt that it comes with questions, disappointments, realizations, etc. I am convinced that it would change a lot of people to live an experience like that of reality TV. Many would take the leap when seeing themselves on screen.

Another thing that always made me laugh is that people complain about how reality TV couples always break up. However, the same people often wait impatiently for these separations. They are happy to see that it is over for a couple of ODs, that proves them right.

The truth of reality TV is that it’s an unforgettable experience that few people will experience. There is a tiny part of society that has enough audacity to show itself from every angle in front of Quebec. I consider myself blessed to have had the chance to live four months in South Africa, far from the networks, with incredible people, breathtaking landscapes.

The thing to remember, as in everything, is not to judge before you know. Would you dare to expose yourself to the entirety of Quebec without filter and without having a say in the final edit? If so, would you like to be treated with respect? I guess the answer is simple.

Who is Claudie Mercier?

Candidate ofDouble occupation in 2019, Claudie Mercier is now a content creator. We were able to hear him in particular thanks to his podcast show Perceptions, in which she hands the microphone to people who have atypical lives. In 2022, she won the grand prize at Soirée Mammouth, which celebrates the most inspiring personalities for Quebec youth.

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