The star of the actress was registered on the Hollywood Boulevard Walk of Fame, Thursday, May 4, in the presence of her daughter in particular, but without her brother or her half-sisters.
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She now also has her star. Actress Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia in the saga Star Wars, received a posthumous star in Los Angeles (United States) on the famous “Walk of Fame” of Hollywood Boulevard, Thursday, May 4. The actress died in 2016 of a heart attack. It was his daughter, Billie Lourd, who paid him this tribute on the occasion of May 4, a day that has become a kind of “Star Wars Day” in the United States celebrated by fans of the franchise founded by George Lucas.
The ceremony revealed tensions within the family. So Carrie Fisher’s brother, Todd, and her half-sisters Joely and Tricia Leigh, weren’t invited. “To be omitted from this special day is truly hurtful”revealed Todd Fisher to the site people TMZ while the sisters regret an omission “deeply shocking” on Instagram.
A justified absence
Billie Lourd explained this choice to the HollywoodReporter : “We have no relationship.” She even accuses the actress’ siblings of cashing in on her mother’s death by getting off the books and giving “multiple interviews” to the American media. “The truth about my mother’s very complicated relationship with her family is known only to me and those who were actually close to her”she said.
Awarding a star to Carrie Fisher was a battle that lasted for years. Fans were indeed complaining that comedians Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker in the saga) and Harrison Ford (Han Solo) had long since earned their award on Hollywood Boulevard. The actress “was our princess, dammit”said Mark Hamill at the ceremony on Thursday, referring to his “beloved space twin”.
Carrie Fisher played Princess Leia in six films, including the first, Star Wars (1977). She also appeared posthumously in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019). The actress joins more than 2,000 film, television and music personalities who have their own stars on the sidewalks of Hollywood Boulevard and surrounding streets.