Caroline’s father is suspected of having drugged her mother to rape her and deliver her to men

Until November 2020, Caroline Darian had a life she thought was happy. A husband, children, parents and brothers with whom she gets along well. And then there was that phone call from his mother. “She said to me: ‘Your father is in police custody, he won’t come out. He did very serious things. Your father drugged me to abuse me and make me abused by other men.'” In his book And I stopped calling you daddypublished by Editions JC Lattès, Caroline Darian recounts this chemical submission that her father is suspected of having imposed on her mother.

“It’s 40 years of my life that are shattered”: the testimony of Caroline Darian collected by Margaux Stive

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In September 2020, a man was arrested in Carpentras, in the Vaucluse, for having filmed under the skirts of several women in a supermarket. Then on November 2, 2020, he was summoned again and placed in police custody because in his computer and his telephone, the investigators found photos and videos of his wife, visibly drugged, being raped by him and by other men. “For me it’s a total explosion, a terrible shockcontinues Caroline Darian. 40 years of my life are shattered. It’s all our foundations that crumble as a child. At that point, I find out that I don’t know the person who raised me who I thought I had a relationship of trust with.”

Before the discovery of the facts, Caroline Darian described her father as “someone extremely sociable, appreciated, seen as a benevolent person, always ready to help, extremely well integrated, with sports activities, friends. A very normal life. ”

“We were a close-knit family. So it’s confusing to discover the hidden side of a man who happens to be his father. And, for my mother, it’s an earthquake of rare violence.”

After his father’s arrest, “the days go by and it’s horror, it’s a horror movie”explains Caroline Darian who discovers that she is also concerned: “There are shots of me supposedly sleeping. But for me, these are shots where I am absolutely not in my normal state. Except that we do not know what happened neither before nor after. It’s very complicated because I discover that I was also a prey for my father.”

She also discovers the number “astonishing authors” suspected. To date, investigators estimate that around 70 men are likely to have raped Caroline’s mother, on her father’s orders. “Everything was premeditated, orchestrated to the millimeter during all these yearsshe says. These people were not allowed to put their vehicle near the house, they had to enter the room very discreetly. They had to respect a form of silence. We know through the instruction that there was a lot of premeditation, that it was very thoughtful, and above all respected by the aggressors.

Rapes of which the victim has no memory, only symptoms, of which she could not find the cause. “There were signs that alerted usremembers Caroline. With my brothers, we told our mother to consult a neurologist. She saw three. In fact, my mother had absences and amnesias.

“Regularly, when we had my mother on the phone, her words were incoherent. She did not remember discussions that we had sometimes even had that morning. Until the day we discovered that it was linked to the administration of high doses of anxiolytics and sleeping pills.

caroline darian

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For ten years, Caroline’s mother was actually a victim of chemical submission, which therefore consists of drugging or giving medication to someone, without their knowledge, for criminal purposes. If, today, Caroline wrote this book, it is to alert on this phenomenon still too little known according to her: “In fact, there is a rather vertiginous silence around this fact of society which is not just an isolated case. It proves that today, the family medicine cabinet is becoming the favorite arsenal of sexual aggressors. “

In 2019, according to the French drug safety agency, 365 people were potentially victims of chemical submission. The majority were women or children, mostly drugged for rape or sexual assault. The investigation concerning Caroline’s father Darian is now at the judicial investigation stage and in the hands of an investigating judge.

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