Caroline St-Hilaire will be a candidate for the CAQ in Sherbrooke

The electoral fight promises to be tight in Sherbrooke. Long-time politician Caroline St-Hilaire will run in the colors of the CAQ in the Eastern Townships riding currently held by solidarity MP Christine Labrie.

The announcement of this star candidacy, first broadcast by TVA Nouvelles, was confirmed at To have to from reliable sources. His inauguration must be formalized within a few weeks. Caroline St-Hilaire must in particular lead the CAQ convention, scheduled for the end of May.

Mme St-Hilaire was elected for the first time on the federal scene in 1997, under the banner of the Bloc Québécois, in the riding of Longueuil; she remained there until 2008. She was then mayor of Longueuil, her hometown, from 2009 to 2017.

The riding of Sherbrooke is coveted by the party of François Legault, because it is the only corner of Estrie that still escapes the CAQ. Solidarity Christine Labrie won 34% of the vote there in 2018, ahead of Liberal Luc Fortin (24% of votes) and Caquist Bruno Vachon (23%).

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