Caroline scandalizes Internet users with her pikes at Axel and strange demands!

For the past few weeks, fans of the show Married at first sight have been following the sixth season with interest. It must be said that science has once again proven itself since viewers were able to witness the mutual love at first sight of Alicia and Bruno. Unfortunately, attraction is not always there and Caroline and Axel know something about it.

Because indeed, if the young man had a real crush on the pretty brunette to the point of even blushing when saying “yes”, Caroline, she was not attracted at all by the latter despite the 80% compatibility. In reality, the one who owns 18 dogs blocked on Axel’s physique and especially on his size. Nevertheless, Caroline let herself be tempted by the experience, saying “yes” in turn despite her reluctance. Followed by very awkward momentsboth for the groom and for the viewers and for good reason, the young woman first refused to kiss her new husband in front of the photographer before struggling to open the ball with him and criticizing the fact that he does not be not vegan.

A behavior that did not fail to annoy Internet users who expressed themselves in number on social networks: “I wonder why Caroline signed up. She makes no effort, it’s embarrassing. Then her relatives are also not welcoming…”, “But Axel, damn it, but RUN, I beg you : the girl has clearly just told you that she intends to force you to become vegan, that she wants to force you to come and live with her, she imposes her choices on EVERYONE. Nothing goes, NOTHING WILL!“, “A thought for Axel who is full of good will and benevolence and who finds himself facing a selfish who in addition to hurting him, shames him in front of his loved ones” could we read in particular. It remains to be seen how this new story will evolve.

See also: Laura Smet: the big lie about her marriage!


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