Caroline Receveur in tears and paralyzed by her anxieties: “I’m ashamed to tell you why”

For several years, the young woman who was revealed to the general public in Secret Story in 2008 was tight-lipped about her private life. But for several months, Caroline Receveur has been engaged more in Instagram story on a problem that eats away at her: her anxieties. She has also been subject to news as she confided on Monday, October 3, 2022.

Hugo Philip’s wife can’t take it anymore. She did not hide that she was sometimes “paralyzed” by anxieties as soon as it affects health. Caroline Receveur tries to remedy the situation by following therapies in particular but, unfortunately, this does not have the desired effect. The process of healing from past wounds and trauma is so longand I feel so useless to find myself in this state, for the same reasons, after so many therapies and coaching. I hold on, but the end of the tunnel seems so far sometimes“, she wrote in story of a photo on which she appears at the end.

It’s then in tears she appeared on video to reveal why she had to face new anxieties now. “I’m borderline ashamed to tell you why I’m in this state. (…) There really are times when I’m really down. And I’m not going to say it’s depression because I don’t feel like I’m depressed. (…) And I know how hard it is to get out of this thing, no matter what we tell you“, she first confided. Then, she confessed that it all started after her son Marlon had a vaccine booster earlier in the day : “Once the vaccine is done, I am waiting for what will happen. And when there are little symptoms, in my head it’s amplified a thousand times. And all my anxieties come to the surface. He has nothing, but my anxieties start from there.

Caroline Receveur did not hide that she was angry with herself for putting herself in such a state. “It’s double jeopardy. It’s to suffer and stone me a little more that they are still there“, she continued. Despite everything, she still hopes that she will be able to get out of this situation in the long term. Especially since she is well surrounded to try to face her anxieties. So she has invited its subscribers in the same case to talk and crack to sometimes feel better.

Last October, Caroline Receveur revealed that her anxieties were linked to trauma. In this case that of the death of his dad six years ago. The father of the family was severely disabled after his stroke in 2007.

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