Caroline Receveur and Hugo Philip targeted?

If it was to be broadcast last Thursday, September 8, the program “Complément d’Enquête” was finally viewed by millions of viewers this Sunday, September 11, 2022.

A disturbing investigation
Entitled “Clash, money and politics: the real business of influencers”, this edition focused on how influencers have been getting rich for years thanks to product placements. A business so lucrative that some of them have quickly become millionaires and continue to receive handsome monthly sums, all thanks to videos of only a few minutes on social networks.

The nearly hour-long investigation also and above all looks at the fact that many of these product placements represent scams: fraudulent sites, products never sent to consumers, poor quality clothing or products… several scandalous points are made. in light. A few days before the broadcast, many speakers such as Milla Jasmine, the couple Alex and Nina or even Magali Berdah finally decided not to appear on the show anymore and asked to be cut during the editing, no longer assuming be associated with this whistleblower report.

Caroline Receveur and her darling Hugo Philip targeted?
This Monday, September 12, 2022, the famous youtuber Luffy republished in her Instagram story, a message shared by her husband Enro, also a youtuber. “If you were shocked by yesterday’s Complementary Inquiry on the influence of reality TV, know that the reality is much worse. Contrary to what they make believe some are not in Dubai only for tax reasons” he advanced.

“And yes, by dint of creating fake companies in France to scam their subscribers, or running away with all the company’s money without paying taxes, it should not be surprising that this poses some problems. criminally” And conclude by saying: “Remember those who got married hastily in one afternoon, who left the next day for Dubai and have never returned to France since…”.
A message that could be considered a direct tackle to Caroline Receveur and her darling Hugo Philip who, we remember, got married suddenly on July 10, 2020 before flying to Dubai a few hours later…

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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