Tears of relief flow down Caroline Receveur’s cheeks. After five long hours spent in the hands of surgeons, the star suffering from breast cancer has just learned that her operation had gone even better than expected. “They didn’t need to remove any lymph nodes because they weren’t affected and I was also able to keep my nipple. So I’m super happy.” she confides, still in her hospital gown. Caroline was impatiently awaiting this mastectomy, intended to remove all the potential cancer cells from her body.
“I have good hope for my remission”
In the operating room for five hours, Caroline came out relieved. The doctors appear confident.
After a hundred days of treatment, six cycles of chemotherapy, the former presenter of NRJ12 can finally see the end of the tunnel. “In a few days I will know if everything has completely disappeared and I am hopeful that I will learn of my remission,” she explains, before adding that the doctors were so confident as to remove the radiotherapy sessions from her post-operative protocol. Overwhelmed by emotion, she does not forget to thank her darling, Hugo Philip. “He is always by my side”, she softened.

Since the announcement of her breast cancer on July 25, Caroline Receveur has shared everything with her fans. Today she confides in her difficult operation.
Over the past few months, the handsome guy has continued to support his son’s mother at every stage of her ordeal. “He never misses a medical appointment, he always takes care of you,” reveals a close friend of the couple. More united than ever, these two hope to write a new page in their history in the coming weeks. “I can’t describe to you how beautiful the moments shared with my family over the last few months were and swept away the darkest passages,” Caroline explained recently. “I shed the weights that prevented me from living with full awareness and confidence.” Proof that, in the darkness, light always comes from those around us.
Léa Hasvry