Caroline (Married at first sight) separated from the father of her son during her pregnancy: “It was hell”

On Monday March 21, M6 viewers got to know carolina (29-year-old concierge company manager) in Married at first sight 2022. If she said everything about her search for true love in the first episode, the beautiful brunette did not pour out on her relationship with the dad of her son Loup-Gabriel (3 years old). Asked about the subject by Entertainment TVshe made a sad confidence.

The young woman has a sad point in common with another participant of the show: Emilie. Like Lina’s mom, Caroline separated from her baby’s dad while she was pregnant. “I met my son’s father, who was a hunter, 4 years ago. I even made it vegan. And he’s still vegan. We separated during pregnancy and after that i never met anyone who could suit me“, she explained to our colleagues. The one who will perhaps marry Axel did not reveal the reasons why it did not work between them. On the other hand, she specified that at the following their break-upit’s been absolute hell for two years.

Fortunately, tensions have since subsided between Caroline and the father of her son. He is proud of the mother she has become and she of the father he is. “We support each other. He has it every other weekend, in theory… but we manage to get him to see him more. He can take it whenever he wants. He lives in the hamlet next door“, she said. Although the former lovebirds get along well, the man she dated had a hard time accepting her participation in Married at first sight 2022. “He reacted very badly. But strangely, it helped us a lot in our relationship. He was at rock bottom and he had to bounce back. In fact, thanks to this announcement, it is clearer for him, he understood that I no longer loved him. This eased tensions. He had trouble turning the page“, she concluded.

It remains to be seen whether Caroline was able to open a new one with Axel, compatible with her at 80%. Both have the same way of life since they live in the mountains, love nature or even animals. The beautiful brunette is also vegan as she confided in her portrait. But she dreaded this meeting because, when her mother drew her the cards, the predictions were negative.

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