Caroline (Married at first sight) insulted: a private conversation with Axel revealed to defend herself

The spread of Married at first sight 2022 (M6) is eventful for carolina. During the March 28 episode, the 29-year-old concierge entrepreneur finally met Axel (30-year-old project manager and site pilot). And she did not hide her disappointment, which earned her many criticisms and insults. This Wednesday, March 30, she therefore wished to make an update.

During the workshops of Married at first sight, Caroline would have indicated in particular that she wanted to meet a man taller than her. But stupor when she arrived, her relatives and she quickly noticed that Axel was smaller. The mother of Loup-Gabriel (3 years old) was also not physically attracted and let it be known. Many viewers therefore felt sorry for the young man. And to defend him, some did not hesitate to criticize his potential future wife in a sometimes virulent way.

Assailed with messages, Caroline wanted to express herself on video in order to put things straight. “I beg you stop saying that I don’t like short men. It’s just that I ask for a man taller than me and I’m 1m75. (…) I was convinced that my future husband would be taller than me because I was asked so many questions about height. (…) I apologized to Axel. If I had known he was shorter than me, I would have moderated the comments. I didn’t mean to upset him“, she first explained.

Axel’s private confidence

Caroline then took up the defense of her mother Nathalie who also took it seriously because of the broadcast. Seeing Axel, she too completely withdrew. “He is small, Caroline will be much taller. He’s not going to like it. The beard I find much too long. And he has a blue suit, Caroline hates blue suits. It worries me because I know she’s going to be disappointed. I want to leave, I want to run away. I do not want to see that“, she had launched. But as her daughter clarified in her video, it was not against Axel. She was simply disappointed and worried because she knew that Caroline would not be attracted.

When we participate in this kind of experience and we are asked what are the criteria that give us the best chance of it working, we answer. (…) When I see all the messages that say I’m superficial because I’m attached to Axel’s physique while he looks at my soul… (…) Axel, he likes me physically so obviously he doesn’t say that he doesn’t like me. Besides, he told me privately that if he hadn’t physically liked the person, he would have been able to say no since he would never have felt any physical attraction. (…) So I would just like to break this mega hypocrisy saying that I look at his physique while he looks at my interior“, concluded the beautiful brunette.

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