Caroline (Married at first sight) disappointed by discovering Axel, her mother wants to run away from the wedding

Monday, March 28 th, carolina (29-year-old concierge company manager) and Axel (30-year-old prime contractor and site pilot), 80% compatible, were back in Married at first sight 2022. Both share the same values. They live isolated in the mountains, love nature and animals. But the beautiful brunette, who is the mother of a 3-year-old boy, had a little apprehension. Her mother drew her the cards and it was not famous, enough to stress the candidate.

Axel confronted him with the reluctance of his mother. And he was destabilized by a call from Pascal de Sutter. The latter has him explained that the ceremony would take place in Gibraltar. He immediately thought of his dogs who are never left alone.How do I take my dogs with me, get them on a plane? Putting them in cages and in the hold is stressful. No way“, he explained.

Far from Axel’s doubts, Caroline went to Paris with her mother Nathalie and Emmanuelle, one of her best friends, to find her wedding dressethical, eco-responsible” or bohemian-style organic. Good news, she found her happiness.

Axel finally made the decision to entrust his dogs to one of his relatives. However, he regretted that his future wife did not see them, because he wanted to know if his animals smelled good. “Whether with anyone, these are my dogs first“, he confided. It was therefore without his faithful companions that he flew to Gibraltar in the hope of getting married. For her part, Caroline feared that he was not vegan or that his mom doesn’t feel it.

Marriage malaise

Despite his reluctance, his mother Nathalie made the trip for the union of her son. Very quickly, the two families discussed. The two mothers therefore discovered that they had the same first name. The good atmosphere and the jokes were there when Axel arrived… with two stuffed animals resembling his dogs in his arms. If Caroline’s friends were thrilled, her mom was much less. “He is small, Caroline will be much taller. He won’t like it. The beard I find much too long. And he has a blue suit, Caroline hates blue suits. It worries me because I know she will be disappointed. I want to leave, I want to run away. I do not want to see that“, she launched.

From the first glance, Axel fell in love. She wasn’t charmed and channeled his discomfort through humor. Despite everything, they laughed a lot and talked a lot. So they discovered their common passions. Without surprise, the young man said “yes”. And to know the answer of the young woman, it will be necessary to wait until next week.

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