Caroline (Married at first sight) attacked by men in the past: “Some were obsessed”

Since it was revealed to the general public in Married at first sight 2022 (M6), carolina likes to share his daily life with his community. And on April 27, she confided that she had made a sad observation about her relationship with certain men.

Caroline is not only on Instagram. She also has a Facebook account and yesterday she got a reminder of an event she would have done well without. It was an exchange of messages with a man, whom she had captured. Also, Internet users have discovered that the person in question had tried to pass himself off as a former school friend. But when the beautiful 29-year-old janitorial entrepreneur explained to him that she didn’t remember him, the boy started to become aggressive and notably told her that she was not smart.

I caught something crazy tonight. All my life, I’ve been bullied, even mugged, by guys I’ve pushed away. There are some where I had big problems. There are guys who have been obsessed, who have even sometimes mixed up the justice system and the police. All my life I couldn’t reject someone without them deciding to destroy me“, confided Caroline after sharing this discussion.

The mother of Loup-Gabriel (3 and a half years old) does not understand why the men she has met react like this. In their place, she would have simply told herself that they didn’t like her and would have left them alone. “You go home to your mother, you cry a bit if you feel like it, but you don’t piss off the person. Finally, it’s just a matter of ego. The ego and the money in humans, it’s a serious problem“, she concluded.

Fortunately, she did not come across such a man in Married at first sight 2022. She met Axel (30-year-old project manager and site pilot) with whom she was 80% compatible. But she was not physically attracted and was therefore rather distant with the contestant. Despite everything, the latter has remained very respectful so far.

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