Caroline Margeridon resentful: she refused to see her mother before her death, a huge debt in question…

If the family is supposed to be a base, it does not always go well between the members who compose it can testify to Caroline Margeridon. The star ofDeal done gave a great interview to our colleagues from Gala in which she evoked her recent love affair as well as her links with her clan. Orphan at almost 56 years old, she did not want to renew contact with her parents before their death. Her mother, who died last year, had asked to see her…

With the magazine, Caroline Margeridon frankly recounted her easy childhood, with parents who lived in opulence between Jaguar in the garage, house in Deauville and horses. Ostensibly, “an ideal family” but “home was hell“, she remembered, evoking parents who had incessant arguments. She recognizes that it was during childhood that she very quickly took a dislike to her father while she adored her mother … “I was glued to her, like a mussel to her rock and I stopped school to follow her to the markets“, she says. Unfortunately, over the years, their relationship deteriorated sharply because her mother, like her grandmother, was a gambler and she had thus accumulated a colossal debt of 8 million euros! A debt that she absorbed”to avoid bankruptcy“. Then came the day Caroline Margeridon became aware of their toxic relationship to the point that she cut the cord.

Just as she hadn’t spoken to her father for years, the second-hand dealer had also cut ties with her mother. So much so that, last year, she categorically refused to renew contact when the hour was serious … “My mother died a year ago. The last time I saw her I was 22 – and I’m going to be 56 (…) My mother asked to see me before she died, like my father two years earlier, I refused . I don’t know how to forgive“, says Caroline Margeridon, who claims not to even know what her late mother died of.

The confidences of Caroline Margeridon are to be found GalaAugust 4, 2022 edition.

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