Caroline Margeridon breaks all records in Deal concluded: the astronomical sum she spent

Bids soared in Deal done Tuesday evening. During a unique bonus presented by Sophie Davant, buyers of the show enjoyed discovering exceptional objects from all eras. But it’s good Caroline Margeridon who marked the spirits by obtaining a property at a gold price. “I made a record… The object, I find it so beautiful, so magnificent. (…) I can’t wait to let you discover it. I really have to force myself to sell it, that would be good because my job is still to buy and sell“, she had announced on her social networks on the sidelines of the broadcast. And she had not lied!

Viewers finally got to find out what she was talking about, namely a bronze sculpture of Arman. Presented by the seller Jack, she was estimated at 13,500 euros. But buyers quickly pushed prices up until Caroline Margeridon, after a great battle with her colleague Clément Auger, got the last word by offering €39,000. “I lost two kilos! That’s good, we’re coming out of the parties and I needed it“, she said after the fact, ironically about her great efforts to acquire the statue. For his part, the pensioner Jack was happy to be able to make a dream come true: “With my wife, we did not have a honeymoon so we will try to make a good one where my wife wanted.”

Sophie Davant then quickly pointed out that the 39,000 euros paid for the object were the sales record in the France 2 broadcast. Previously, it was still Caroline Margeridon who was responsible for the biggest purchase. It was in 2020, the mother of Victoire and Alexandre had set her sights on a bust of Napoleon signed Antoine-Denis Chaudet and had paid 21,000 euros for it.

Out of the classification there is also an auction from 2018. At the time, a seller offered a DeLorean DMC-12 car which took part in the filming of the film Back to the future. The vehicle was estimated at 41,000 euros but, during the sale, no one wanted to go above 35,000 euros. The case had not been concluded..

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