Caroline Dhavernas will be the voice of the REM

The Metropolitan Express Network (REM) has found its voice. At the end of a blind contest, future users voted for actress Caroline Dhavernas. Yes, the daughter of Michèle Deslauriers, the illustrious voice of the Montreal metro.

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier

No, it’s not arranged with the view guy. The stars have aligned to play this incredible roll of the dice. And the main stakeholders are the first not to believe it.

“Me and my mother, we can’t believe it!” We find it too funny, ”exclaimed Caroline Dhavernas in an interview with The Press.

In August, the REM invited its future users to vote for the voice that will accompany them in their daily journeys for years to come. Three voices, belonging to people whose identity has not been revealed to preserve the integrity of the competition, were presented to them. With 40% of the votes, Caroline Dhavernas was the big favorite.

Michèle Deslauriers, his mother, had seen nothing coming. Ironically, she had taken part in the competition … without recognizing her own daughter’s voice! “We didn’t think Caroline could do that! », Remembers the actress, who has been the voice of the Montreal metro since 2003.


Actress Michèle Deslauriers

It was in his genes, though. And now, by a surprising twist of fate, mother and daughter will both be the voice of a transport network. “When Caroline told us she was chosen, I told myself it couldn’t be true! We laughed a lot, ”laughed Michèle Deslauriers.

A voice like the REM

We will hear it from morning to night, on the road to work or after a night out. What voice does the lucky winner wish to give to the EMN? “A calm, clear, soft voice. Warm, above all, ”describes Caroline Dhavernas, who should start recording in the coming months.

Before launching the competition, the REM team had made an initial blind screening, according to very specific criteria.

The voice had to be fluid (no artificial intelligence), friendly (without being too friendly) and young, like the network, whose first line must be put into service by 2022. Also, it had to be distinctive , while remaining harmonious with that of all public transport networks.

The director of communications of CDPQ infra, Jean-Vincent Lacroix, says he is delighted with the choice of the public, who fills all the boxes. “When you think about it, this choice will make a bit of history, as the voice of the REM will accompany thousands of people over several generations! “, did he declare.

And for Caroline Dhavernas, it was a role that was close to her heart, she who firmly believes in public transit: “I am convinced that this is the way of the future. For me, it’s really important that we go in that direction. I’m really happy to be a part of this. ”


Caroline Dhavernas and her mother, Michèle Deslauriers, on the set of Everybody talks about it in 2016

A family affair

For years, Caroline Dhavernas took the leap when she boarded a Société de transport de Montréal (STM) car and her mother’s voice echoed through the speakers.

Soon the roles will be reversed, and it is her own voice that will surprise her daughter.

She will take the REM and hear her mother, she will take the STM and hear her grandmother. There aren’t many little girls who can say that!

Caroline Dhavernas

It is this that travelers will soon recognize between two stations, that workers in a hurry will tease (amicably) during the announcement of a breakdown (a fact lived by Michèle Deslauriers).

It happens, anecdotes, in the subway, warns her mother. But in general, “people are very nice”. One last tip, to finish? “To have fun,” she said. Caroline is so good, she does very well in her roles. I have absolutely no doubt that it will be okay. ”

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