Caroline Côté, a titanic feat

Having started her journey on December 9 in Hercules Inlet, Quebec adventurer and filmmaker Caroline Côté, 36, reached the South Pole, after a journey of 1,130 km, in 34 days, smashing the world record for a woman on skis. and in complete autonomy. She thus becomes the first Quebecer to reach the South Pole solo.

“During the first three or four days, it was mainly my ego that drove me. I thought to myself: you can do it. But quickly, and until the very end, it was the love and friendship of those close to me, the people who supported me in the preparation, the messages of support that I received that ensured that I held out until the end. »

Alone on the ice floe, she still had a team behind her to help her achieve her feat, including a Norwegian meteorologist who informed her about the conditions to come. At the base camp of Union Glacier, doctors and an intervention team were also ready to intervene if necessary. Every day, Caroline had to communicate her exact position to them.

“The last 14 kilometers I rode were really difficult, the South Pole being at more than 2800 meters, so you can feel the effects of the rarefaction. I had difficulty breathing and keeping going. »

And, to continue Caroline: “Yes, it’s a solo expedition, but above all it’s incredible teamwork. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my husband, Vincent Colliard, who acted as polar logistics expert, and my weather expert, Lars Ebbesen. »

It is to be hoped that Quebec athlete Caroline Côté will inspire other cross-country skiers to smash through the glass ceiling of the South Pole. Mission accomplished, Caroline, and all our admiration for this titanic feat!

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