Caroline Barclay: “Little flirtation” with a cinema legend, “real romance” with a great singer, she says it all!

In the summer, if you are looking for Caroline Barclay, turn instead to Saint-Tropez: director of her Public Relations agency and counting many restaurants on the coast among her clients, the radiant fifties spends the beginning of the summer on the coast, where she has her habits, but the month of August in Ibiza. It must be said that being married to Eddie Barclay for ten years opens a few doors in the seaside resort that he left his mark on!

But between two VIP lunches, she found some time to confide in Nice morningwho asked him a few questions about the men in her life and in particular about one of them, which she rarely mentions… Gérard Depardieu! The sacred monster of cinema, whom she had known on the Côte d’Azur, indeed lived a little romance with her, but nothing serious to listen to.

‘At’, and not ‘with’ Depardieu!“, she says when the journalist asks her where she lived at this time of her life. “I recognize a little past flirtation but he was above all a friend. He was very badly after his breakup with Karine Silla and very quickly, he walked with Carole Bouquet“, she explains, which allows us to place their story in the mid-90s.

A quiet love story

At the time, the actor had indeed just been left by the mother of his daughter Roxane, now 30 years old, and had then lived a long story with Carole Bouquet, then with Helene Bizot, mother of his son. John, 16 years old. Caroline Barclay, meanwhile, has rebuilt her life with the father of her children Vincent and Clara, aged 20 and 18.

But she had already mentioned this little romance with Gérard Depardieu: when he had been accused by a young actress of rape, she had come to his defense, telling their story: “I lived with him for a year, I even had a little history with him, well there is prescription now, a little flirtation right after my divorce with Eddie. He had just separated from Karine Silla I believe“, she had clarified, continuing: “I admit that he scared me a bit… Gérard is so talkative. He drank a lot at the time. But he is a very endearing character, very erudite. It’s magic when you’re around him, you can’t be bored for a second, he screams, he moves, he decides to take off for Cuba at midnight what.”

A busy love life

Today, she is single, as she had confided at the beginning of the year. “It’s low tide, but listen, I have a lot of friends, a lot of luck…“, she had explained before telling her story with “a fantastic gentleman, who was also older (…). A South African gentleman, founder of the Atlantis“, which happens to be Sol Kerzner, who died recently at 84 years old.

However, her love life has been busy: in addition to Gérard Depardieu, the jet-setter also had a little story with a certain … Johnny Hallyday. “Today, there is prescription, but the romance with Johnny is true“, she says, still in Nice-Matin. “It was between his two marriages with Adeline. I was going to La Lorada [la maison de Johnny Hallyday, ndlr] to do my gym on his machines after a ligament rupture on skis and he fell in love with me… As endearing as he was excessive, he telephoned Eddie saying to him: ‘Let Caroline go now, she’s going to live with me ‘. Eddie got mad, they didn’t speak to each other for a year. I stopped my nonsense and everything is back to normal between them.

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