Caroline Anglade in a relationship with Nicolas Moreau: rare photos of their adorable boys

Viewers have an appointment this Tuesday, November 30, 2021 on M6 to discover the last two episodes of the mini-series Save Lisa. Headlining, Caroline Anglade It plays the role of Rose Keller, a 35-year-old teacher who replaces in primary schools, and who decides to help Lisa, a young student victim of abuse at home. Herself a mother of two young children, the actress was directly inspired by her own experience of motherhood for this role.

I am the mother of two little boys and I had just given birth when I shot the series. It was all fresh so I had a visceral and pronounced relationship to childhood“, Caroline Anglade recently told TV-Leisure. With her discreet companion Nicolas Moreau, the actress has two young children: a first boy named Sacha (born in early 2016) and a second, who was born in spring 2020.

With our colleagues, the actress who played in the films Joséphine, Everyone standing and Simply black added : “At first I was horribly sad to leave because I was leaving my baby, then horribly sad to leave this role and this team, all the while feeling guilty about feeling that to find my baby … It was really an emotional roller coaster.. “

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