Carole (Love is in the meadow) changes her life and sells her house, confidences (EXCLUDED)

2022 will clearly be the year of change for Carol. The candidate of Love is in the meadow 2017 full of beautiful projects. If for a long time she devoted herself to her job as a breeder of dogs in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, she intends to put a brake on this activity to focus on spirituality. A subject she raised during an interview for Purepeople.

Last March, you revealed that you had obtained a practitioner training certificate in psychogenealogy. Can you explain to us what this consists of?

It’s to help people by talking about their family tree, to find the traumas they have in relation to their ancestors. Often, we drag what we had before, we don’t know why. There are often things that are repeated so it is to find out what the grandfather, the grandmother, the mother had. This is to help find the strain. Before that I did a training on Reiki [une méthode consistant à équilibrer les énergies de la personne, pour qu’elle trouve un apaisement durable et profond au niveau de son corps, de son psychique et de son émotionnel. NDLR], all things Japanese energy. It’s a training that I spent in two years and it also helps me to help people. I also did a training on massages for body, mind and soul. Everything is connected.

What made you want to get started?

I already had a spiritual side. I had my car accident and I saw the tunnel, I climbed into the light up there. I have seen some spiritual things already. I am like a thread from above and from here.

You also revealed that you intended to sell your property, located in the PACA region. What about today ?

I put my house up for sale about a month and a half ago, but I haven’t sold it yet. I loved living here, it’s a little paradise. But I don’t want to be alone here anymore. So I decided to change my life to live in the Dordogne. I know very little but I am attracted. It has a very spiritual side, there is the Buddhist temple next door. I sold half of my herd, I’m just going to keep about fifteen goats, two donkeys and this summer I’m going to do some sort of well-being courses. Mediation with donkeys, pet therapy with animals. Also Reiki sessions. And then I will settle in the Dordogne.

Does this mean that you are going to put your job as a breeder aside?

No, I still do but in miniature suddenly. I used to run around for nothing because I couldn’t finish anything that was spiritual. I worked sixteen hours a day, it was too much. I needed to stop. Helping people helps me. It gives me a lot of energy. But here there are not many people even though I loved living there, that’s why I want to move. In the Dordogne, I want to make a guest house and I will take my two donkeys with me for meditation if I can. I will also do Reiki, massages etc. It will be much quieter.

You have written a book called My Rebirth, in which you talk about the stroke you suffered, your divorces or your past lives. Why did you decide to put this on paper?

I never expected to write a book one day. I had a friend who wrote a lot and he advised me to get started when I was scared. It took me six hours to do a page. He told me that was great and to continue. That’s what I did and it helped me a lot. Now I write much faster and I’m hooked. I’m writing my latest book called To our Loves. I do it quietly. I’ve done The Legend of Angus also.

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