Carole Bouquet bandaged leg and “30 stitches”, the actress’s worrying message on Instagram

More fear than harm. This is undoubtedly what is said Carole Bouquet

after his violent fall a few hours ago. Indeed, Gérard Depardieu’s ex-partner spoke on his Instagram account this Monday, January 22, 2024 to announce bad news to his community. The 66-year-old actress said she was seriously injured. “Okay, I broke the ceramic in the shower but not my bones!! 30 stitches”she announced in the caption of her last photo in which we can discover two photos.

One in which Carole Bouquet appears laughing, hand over mouth, and a second of his leg partially covered in bandages. News that jeopardizes his plans? Indeed, the actress must take the stage from January 24 to 26, 2024 at the Liberté theater in Toulon to play the famous queen of Palestine imagined by Racine.

Also see: Gérard Depardieu: Who are his exes?

Carole Bouquet injured but not shot

But let the fans rest assured, broken shower ceramic or not, Carole Bouquet intends to play her role as she indicated in the rest of her Instagram publication.But I’m going to play Bérénice in Toulon”she assured, specifying however that she would have to adapt given her state of health.

Indeed, “LThe costume that was a dress is not going to be possible.” “And neither are high-heeled shoes… So barefoot and the scene in bed clothed!!”, she clarified. If Carole Bouquet recognizes feeling “pain” of her injury, she once again assures her fans that “L“Racine’s language is impregnated” in her. Dress or different outfit, with a cast and bare feet rather than heels, the 66-year-old actress should manage to take the stage at the Toulon theater in a few days.


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