Carlito married to Erika of Whatfor: the sister of the singer is also famous!

You don’t choose your family, but Carlito had flair. Raphaël Carlier of his real name is none other than the son of Guy Carlier, of course. But he is not the only celebrity he has in his entourage. By falling in love with Erika, a former member of the group Whatfor revealed in 2002 by tele-hook pop stars, Carlito adopted the clan of his sweet, one of whose members is not unknown to the general public. Erika is the sister of a certain Ornella Fleury. If his name means nothing to you, his face will bring back memories. Actress and humorist, the face of the 35-year-old young woman served for Canal +. The pretty brunette becomes the Miss Weather of the Grand Journal in 2016. This role will have earned her some controversy, in particular the deletion of several interviews with Jonah Hill in Europe after remarks very badly taken by the actor on his physique. One foot already in comedy – she had appeared in Campsite 3 and Superchondriac -, Ornella Fleury continued her merry way on the big screen by landing a role in Divorce Club in 2020 and Fly me the following year.

On the couple side, Ornella Fleury did not fall for the pair of her brother-in-law McFly. Rare are the confidences of the young woman on her private life. Only one official relationship has been known to him: his romance with comedian Mustapha El Atrassi began in 2011 but has since ended. In 2018, he revealed on stage to have returned to celibacy.

Ornella Fleury may be able to find the key to happiness by asking her sister Erika the secret of the longevity of her love with Carlito. Caught at first sight on a joint shoot in 2011, Erika and Raphaël quickly made their way together. Parents of two boys, Etienne and Jonah, they even passed the ring on their finger in the summer of 2019. For their first wedding anniversary, the Youtubeur had split a message that could not be more speaking to the attention of his wife : “Nice excuse to publish this photo and remember that I still don’t have the words to describe our couple“. A story made to last!

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