Carla Moreau betrayed by Kevin Guedj? Angry, she breaks the silence in this “very hard time”

Nothing is going well between Carla Moreau and Kevin Guedj since the confidences of Belle Longwell. The candidate of The Battle of the Clans assured that during the filming of the TFX reality show, she had a carnal relationship with the dad of Ruby (3 years old) in the villa. If his wife preferred to remain silent for a while, she recently posted a message to reassure her community.

Since the revelation of the affair, Carla Moreau has been rather discreet. She is only on Snapchat for her product placements and occasionally shares precious moments with Ruby. But, faced with the many questions from her subscribers, the charming 25-year-old blonde made the choice to publish a message a few days ago.

I’m not going to lie to you, it’s not okay. If I don’t talk, it’s because I still have too much anger in me, nervousness, sadness… In short, too many things“, she wrote at first. She then explained that for the time being, she was not able to express herself on video: “I need time to express myself… I’m going through a very hard time… I’m really hurt.“No doubt his subscribers will understand, even if they are eager to know more about his separation from Kevin Guedj.

Remember that it was during an interview for her former boyfriend Bastos that Belle revealed this affair to the light of day. She told in detail how Kevin Guedj and she would have gotten closer, a version quickly denied by the 33-year-old brown. “I think she’s done enough damage, especially since she says it’s for Carla, but if you really want to do something for a person, you take it alone. In addition when I see the details, I tell myself that it’s still far-fetched… It’s strong. But behind all that, I have a family. People will say yes it happened or no it didn’t. Whatever happens there is no proof, it will remain in the dark“, he said in particular on Snapchat, last October 11. Subsequently, Internet users noticed that his wife was no longer wearing her ring and that she had removed her marital name from her Instagram account.

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